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Monday, June 13, 2011

Missoula Children's Theatre

Our A is enrolled in a Summer Day Camp in our area. She needs to do something while she's on a summer break from school.

This morning, I let her auditioned for the Missoula Children's Theater with the play, "The Pfifer". Not too sure with the correct title.

Anyway, she passed the audition and they will do a one week rehearsal and performance will be on Saturday. Since she's only 6 year old, I'm sure her role is too cute to be a rat...:))

She's liking it, to be a part of the play but she's loving the Day Camp better.

Well, after their practice for two hours, she will go back with her Day Camp class.

To have a child is not! hu! You have to spend some bucks in order to get involve for some activities.

Donors, sponsors and patrons are welcome...just kidding but it can be true, right?

Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Loving Tribute To My Beloved Dearpie

"My life is given as an offering to God. The time has come for me to leave this life. I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith. Now, the crown is waiting for me. I will get that crown for being right w/ God. The Lord is the judge who judges rightly, and He will give me the crown on that day. He will give that crown not only to me but to all those who have waited with love for Him to come again." -II Timothy 4:6-8