Mom and Me
Thanks for the guest post by Esteban Vinson
Mom and I are all about emailing each other during the day although she’s gotten even more into it than I am. I think she’s amazing but she’s all about forwarding those ridiculous chain emails and sending me just about any coupon she gets in the mail. I don’t really understand it but I think it has something to do with her not being as used to the internet as I am – she didn’t grow up with it like me. I helped her get Hughesnet Internet at home when she and dad moved to their new house and I know that’s the primary way she keeps in touch with my aunts since they work all day. I love my mom but she’s got unrealistic expectations about how available everyone should be for her emails – she gets crazy if I don’t answer her 10 minutes after she writes it – doesn’t she realize I’m not sitting at home monitoring my inbox like she’s doing, apparently? Mom needs to get a grip on reality!