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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Feeling Special With My Designer Perfume

Guest post written by Sandy Terrace

I'm a doctor, so I have to be careful that the beauty products that I use won't bother any of my patients. Well, one thing that that means that I miss out on is wearing my perfume that I love. I have quite the collection of perfume at home and even though that's the only thing that I really do with my beauty routine, it kills me that I can't really wear it to work. So I make sure that I wear it when I'm off duty, even if it's just when I'm at home relaxing around the house.

Every few months I get the itch to buy another perfume. I don't really buy that many purses or things like that, so you could say that's my one shopping vice. When I was online shopping around fora new perfume, I ran across soem info on direct tv bundles. After I looked through it some I decided to change over our home service to one of the bundles I found on there.

I think that my next perfume purchase will be the Gucci Guilty perfume. I like that it's a bit of a punch with it. It also smells really different from my other scents.

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