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Thursday, December 10, 2009

911 Call

I was given the tasked to call dispatched yesterday. The IT (information Technology) in-charged next door told me to do some testing if all our phone system works.

"Zima, make sure whoever answered the phone, tell him/her that we're just doing some tests," according to the very nice IT next door.

I dialed the 3 digits numbers and for about two rings, someone answered my call.

"911, how may I help you?" per dispatched.

"Hi, my name is ms so and so and just testing our phone line if our calls get through," my low tone of voice.

After the dispatched recognized and read our address in his computer, I finally said thank you.

That was an easy!

I was almost tempted to apply for a job being a dispatch for a 9-11 call but with the heavy volume of calls and with the kind of English and accent I have...for sure, I'm not qualified for the said!

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