Wish I have all the energy just like her. But as I get older, I'll be weaker overtime...lol!
Anyway, I changed her nap time routine. Instead of a morning nap, she has to take her nap after school. I noticed, as she's getting close to 5 year old, she has a hard time taking her nap or maybe because grannies are not imposing hard and very strict about it.
As much as possible, I want our girl to take a nap even just an hour everyday. That makes me feel better and at peace.
We started the after school nap yesterday and it works really good on her. She was dead tired, I guess.
Starting last Sunday, I have to take her to church an hour early so she can join the choir practice in preparation for the kids presentation on Easter. It's just one song though and I'm about to go crazy (just exaggerating) listening the song in our car every time she rides with me...lol! "Please play the CD for me, Mama."
The Sunday school teacher gave each parent a CD so our child can sing along with it as a practice tool. Our girl is singing and hamming to it. Seems like she knows the song already.
Remember the Kids Expo? There was a Karate Demo at the event and now my girl is bugging me to join the Karate. I explained to her that she needs to be 5 year old to join the martial arts.
Oh my golly! Of all the activities she saw, it was the Karate that she's fascinated with. We will see. I already told her that she can only have up to two extra curricular activities when she's in a regular school. One on the weekend and one after school. That way, I won't be running here and there that much. I still have time for myself and our other activities together.
Yesterday, she told me that her boy classmate will make a ring and a necklace for her.
"Why would he do that?" my questioned to her.
"Because he likes me, Mama!" her say.
What can I say? Kids are just fun to be with...lol!
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