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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Back To School Again

Thanks for the post from Kirk Wood

It's that time of year again. Back to school shopping begins. It's time to load up my child and go shopping. We have to get up early to beat the rush. I set my security choice adt alarm, and it's off to Office Depot, Wal-Mart, Old Navy, the mall and Target.

Making a list of necessities and sales is essential. We start off for paper, pencils, crayons, and a new backpack. Of course Wal-Mart will be the first stop. Most of the basics are found there. Of course with the economy and their cheap prices they are sold out of most necessities. Next we're off to Office Depot. They may be a bit pricier on some things, but they are always in stock! There is usually not a crowd either.

Next we head to the mall for some shoes. It is so important to have some cool shoes for the first day. If we're lucky we will find a backpack at the shoe store. We will hit a few stores while there and grab up some fancy clothes. Of course my little man has to look cool for the girls in school! Off to Old Navy to finish up the clothes shopping and last will be Target. Target always has the everything we have forgotten elsewhere.

A full day of shopping has worn both of us out. Now we will head home and get some much needed rest for the first day of school!

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