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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Racing for Halloween

Guest post written by Tracy Parker

I think that my dad has rubbed off on my son because every time we're over at his house it seems like my dad's watching a race and my son gets really into it because he sees that his grandpa is. He's started following the drivers over the years and now he knows as much about racing as my dad. So for Halloween this year he said that he wants to dress up like a race car driver.

Instead of wanting to dress up like a real race car driver though he said that he wanted a Halloween themed racing outfit. So I did a bunch of research online to see how they put all the little labels and symbols on all of their jump suits. When I was doing that I saw and decided to switch over our internet service to that provider. But by then I had a good idea of what I was going to do.

I'm going to put a 31 on his uniform for October 31 and then also put a jack o lantern on it. But race car driver uniforms always have all kinds of little symbols on them so we're putting more stuff on them, probably.

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