I was smiling deep inside my heart when our girl asked me of something that happened.
She was there during the whole ordeal and was just being quiet but when I was driving and she in her little throne of happiness start grinding some interesting questions. I never though that she was very attentive to the whole conversation that transpired on that day.
Here's the scenario: Someone has a very important event to attend to bu didn't show up. We called the home phone, cell phone and did everything that possible but didn't get a reply. Our thoughts, for some reason this person forgot about it or who knows?
I was summoned to helped out from the start and didn't have any clue that someone's temperature was boiling.
To make the story short, after the event was over, the person who is in-charge showed up and apologized for the messed she/he made.
My! the person she/he/'s asking for apology just ignored her/him as if she/he didn't exist. Hopefully, they will solve their issues...ahehhehe!
Our girl was kind of ....ha!
Oh well, who can force that someone to talk if that someone don't feel like. According to Angelina, "Hala ka!"
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