I was in the mood of surfing some photos of our one and only produced. It seems like yesterday that I gave birth to her.
It's so amazing and unbelievable how time flies so fast. No holding back, she's a grown up active toddler of ours.
Yesterday, as we drove going to her Pre-K class, she was in tears for not bringing her show and tell object or material.
"You don't have to cry," I calmed her down while driving.
"But, Mama...my teacher won't be happy with me," her say.
"That's okay, here's your blanket...you can take this (holding and showing her blanket) for your show and tell," my line of words.
" It can't be Mama, because we have to bring something that starts with letter V," her explanation.
"Well, I know what you gonna do. When it's your turn, just raise your hand and say "Victory!", V is for victory, so problem solved," my respond to her needs.
She was all happy and said, "That's a perfect idea, Mama."
Yeah, they always have show and tell and it's the second time that she forgot to prepare something. I'm sure, she learned from her own mistakes and looking forward with her preparedness alert!
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