Blowing her 3rd birthday cake
Her 4th birthday at Disneyworld, Florida
Happy 4th Birthday Girl!!!
It's your birthday, but we got the gift...
a gentle, sweet, beautiful daughter
who is always a pleasure to be with.
You glow with sensitivity and compassion
generated from the depthsof your warm heart and and kind soul.
Anyone who spends time with you is privileged to know such a bubbly cute angel.
You are a great joy in our lives.
We love you and cherish you and treasure you and wish that every one of your birthdays will be the happiest yet.
While your Da and Ma are still able to make the best of every breath of your life,
We promised to be always here for you.
All we want from you is to have faith in HIM and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior.
We all love you from all of us: Ma, Pa, Lo, La, Grandpa, Uncle Bill, Tiya, Tiyo and cousins.
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