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Monday, June 29, 2009

Sunburst Grill

A neighbor of mine invited me for a Salad Master demo. I already attended twice for this demo thingy but different dealer and demonstrator.

Anyway, as we were talking, Sunburst Grill was brought up during our conversation. I love Filipino food and like to take an adventure of food tasting.

So, yesterday...after the Sunday worship, we all went out and ate at Sunburst. Thank you to my friend Mabel for checking out the address for me in the internet while we were on our way driving.

Holy smoke! The place was empty. Where are the people, I was asking myself and looked at my partner in crimes...lolz!

I like the ambiance of the place and according to the owner, they're in business for a year now.
Well, he was one of the first owner of the Manila To Go. He had a business partner during those time and now he decided to open his own restaurant together with his wife.

I do like the food, specially the Crispy Pata with Papaya pickles. We ordered two Halu-halo's with Macapuno and Ubi respectively. Ma and Pa shared and the McCartney's shared too. Yummy for the summer season!

Right after our eating session, we all went home and take our (not me!) afternoon nap.

I was busy with my project downstairs while watching ASAP and chatting online. Kind of busy, hu! My cellphone was ringing and it's an additional load to my tasks....lolz!

A friend called if I can go to their house and eat dinner. I really love to but I can't leave my project or else it all dried up for nothing. I apologized to my sweet friend and I was done with my project past 10:30 P.M.

Actually, I was not done yet, way to go! I just quit last night because it was getting late and it was time for me to join my family in bed. It's that cuddling time!

Have a great Monday morning!

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