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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Flu Shot...A Must Or What?

I just made an appointment for a flu shot with our Risk and Management Consultant at work.

It's totally free for all the employees and each family members cost $25.00
Not bad at all.

Since our day was very slow at work. We had the chance to talk with my co-employees.
Flu shot was being brought up. Take note, I'm having a conversation with American Gangs.

Anyway, one said that she never had a flu shot since day one she runs her own life.
Even her three children never ever had flu shots and her kids were so healthy. They get sick once in a while but it's quiet normal, according to her.

The other had the same story and two of my co-workers have flu shots every year.

After hearing the pros and cons of getting a flu shot from my co-workers, I called and canceled my's that?

Well, I never do this kind of routine eversince I got her in the promise land. I would say, I have lots and lots of good and bad bacteria in my system. I came from a third world country, as what other people called my beloved country,, my immune system is still capable in fighting out those harmful germs.

One of my mottos in life, "If I die, so be it!" It's just I don't want that live vaccine to get in contact with my whole me.

My FIL got his flu and pneumonia shots just a week ago and he's very sick right now. He's still in the hospital agonizing and looks like a vegetables to me. I didn't say at all that it was a reaction from both vaccines. The doctors were running some test on him.

So, it's up to me and to you whether to get flu shot or not.

I better go and pick up our Angelina at school.

P.S. Ms. Sha, it's at FRCC (Front Range Community College), Westminster Campus - My Alma Mater!

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