Sometimes people think they can get away without having auto insurance. Well, sure, if you do not have a car and don't drive you can. Otherwise, if you own a car or drive at the least, it's the law that you are obliged to have an auto insurance.
By law, all drivers must have auto insurance or some other form of financial ownership (with exception to a few states). The reason this law is in place is in order to insure that one driver will not have to pay for another drivers mistakes. If another driver makes a careless mistake, and in turn damages your car, this law ensures that they will pay for your damages (well, their insurance company will pay).
Every state has its own specific requirements as for car insurance, but most require a minimum of bodily injury and property damage liability. These two liability coverage's make it so that you will pay for any damages that you cause to another drivers car, property, or them self - if the incident was your fault. Depending on what you purchase with the insurance company, the insurance company will pay to the "victim" of your negligent driving. It is important to have semi-decent coverage, so that in case of an accident, you are not going to be paying out of your pocket.
When you need to make a claim, the company will pay If you get in an accident, or need to make a claim for any legitimate reason, the insurance company will pay out. Repairing vehicles, or furthermore replacing them, is extremely expensive. It is good to have peace of mind knowing your insurance company is covering your back.
Needless to say, auto insurance is something required, and driving without is very dangerous. Sure, auto insurance can be expensive, but it is worth it when considering the possible outcomes on the scary roads.
So, visit for your auto insurance needs. Think about how much insurance do you need. Select your state and get a quote considering the help
of your agent.
Auto Insurance is important, needless to say.
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