I woke up at 10:00 AM this morning. Amazing... ho! Hubby and Angelina were done eating their breakfast. They didn't bother to wake me up, it's my day off and Dada closed our bedroom door so our girl won't disturb my soundless sleep.
As soon as I woke up, I went downstairs and found my dear family in their couch potato mood watching Curious George. I joined with them in our couch and later went upstairs to checked on Ma and Pa. They were so relaxed and comfy sitting in their chairs watching the TV Patrol.
To be honest, the weather made us all lazy in our abode. We just stayed home and did some kuri-kuri after a while.
I was in the mood to cook some Filipino dishes. It's my turn to call our kitchen my territory. I cooked s
ome "Paksiw na Bangus" with sliced Bitter Melon, Eggplant and some Okra's on top of the fish.
Psst...I still let my Ma did the templa to make my "Paksiw" perfect for our appetite.
While my Paksiw was intently steaming in our garage, I stir-fried some mushrooms, string bean
s, green squash, spinach with some chicken to it.
I started to cut down some potato leaves for some "atsal na ganas" pickles.
I diced some onions, sliced the red tomatoes and ginger while I was waiting for the wat

er to boil.
My phone rang and it was my friend from Iowa.
We chatted for a while and decided to had a three way conversation with our other friend in Thornton. It was a long conversation enough to make my cellphone dead...lolz! I forgot to charged my toy last night before going to bed. She called back in our landline and I told her about my dead cellphone.
While I was in the kitchen, Hubby was looking what kind of food I was cooking then he was teasing about my talking problem over the phone. Perfect timing for me to get out from the cordless phone...wink! Then he whispered, "Let's have some fun in the kitchen."
He's cooking
too and I don't want to drive him away. He cooked three meat cheese omelet and a sauce to it.

Our Angelina joined us. It wasn't my territory anymore...

We went out for a little bit to captured some pics with the wet grass.
Suddenly a lightning flashed followed by a roaring thunder...our girl was so scared and decided to stay inside.
While we were partaking our dinner, Angelina said something, "I think we have to stay in a hotel for the night so the scary lightning and thunder won't find us." Whatever got into her mind, I think it was cute. At least she tried and have some concept. We had a short discussion about lightning and thunder while having our dinner. Dada did an undertandable explaination to Angelina.
"I see!" her amazement.
After our simple meal, I started to clean up our table and noticed two of my plants in our dining area are bearing flowers.

They must like the direct exposure to the sunlight. I do love plants and I'm trying hard to let them survive under my care despite of my laziness sometimes to talk with them.
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