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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Thank You Blogvertise

This blog of mine has given the privilege to go monetize but the author don't have much time to stay and concentrate with all the OPP being given.

I did declined some offer and hoping that I have some left when I have a lousy time. I doubt it! Declining an offer is very generous so other people can avail them. It's just a matter of sharing the blessings in life.

Goodluck to me if I can make once a day or more than that...lolz! We will see...

Once again, thank you Blogvertise and just keep the offer pouring everyday. Promised, on of these days I can make it to the best of my knowledge.

I relate the responsibility to my Dear Pie but to no effect. He'd rather trade in than what we called the paid blogging. As usual, he said that he will pay me of what I missed in the blogging world or quit my on call job. Actually, he's siding just a tidbit of my preschool job and never ever like my blogworld. According to him, I am physically at home but mentally in the other world...lolz!

For sure, if I have time to concentrate without any interruption, I want to grab those opportunities.

Now my time is up and need to attend my child's need. According to the TFC advertisement, Life is hard parang bato...wink! Just take it positively and look forward!

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