I'm loving my life and I'm thankful of what I have. I asked something from God and He gave me more than enough of what I want. Isn't it wonderful? It's true, the joy of the Lord is my strength. I can't thank Him enough.
Although problems arise every now and then but I have to understand it's part of how strong my faith in Him. Trials and tribulations are spices in life to be a part of God's family. It's a challenge on how strong we are in our faith to Him. God has a purpose and everything on earth is under His control. Live life to the fullest!
Without much ado, yesterday....I worked all day with the kiddos at the Preschool and Daycare. We had Chicken Strips for lunch from Dairy Queen hence it's Friday and they can have hot lunch.
By 2:15 PM, I had to leave my work for Angelina's Pre-op physical exam from our family doctor. Her teeth needs to be corrected and the dental doctor wants it to be done at one time so Angelina won't have any trauma in the future. It's the best I guess instead of bringing her every month until everything is done. I met my girl and our Dada at the clinic.
After the said appointment, I went back to work and had a movie time with the kids.
I'm glad, I got a job that has a very flexible schedule. We can get out if we have necessary appointments or errands to go to. I'm not earning that much but I sure have fun and so with my little girl.
At the close of the day (6:30 PM) , the four us (Mentors) plan to shop at Albertson. Once again, Marsha told us that Mangoes are on sale 3 for a dollar. I didn't join the fun and decided to go home to be with my family. I dropped by at Boston Market to buy some family dinner then went straight to our abode.
As I was pulling in the driveway, I noticed the fresh and newly mowed lawn. I closed our garage door and headed to our backdoor. Hubby was outside taking some fresh air while waiting for my arrival. As soon as he saw me, he got up and kissed me tenderly and gave me a tight hug. Everything took place in our backyard. He looked at me and commented, "Wow! my Zima is back."
What he's trying to say is my Maria Clara looked, the conservative type of girl kunohay which is true sometimes. I need to get out from my shell if I want to but in general, I am one of those Amish girls. My hubby wants me to be sexy when I'm around with him. Here's the photo that he took last night.

Anyway, after staying for a little bit in our backyard,under the drizzle of the rain...we started our Boston Market dinner inside the house. It was a great dinner for the whole family.
On the other hand, last Wednesday... a friend who moved to Idaho was in town with her family.

To Gina, thank you for the food and the laughter.
Right here at the moment, I'm at work so I can take Monday off for my girl's procedure at Children's Hospital. If time permits, I will have to go to a birthday party that will happen this afternoon. Last but the least is to watch the boxing for the season exclusive for our family.
To my friends, we're not greedy or selfish in doing this. There's a reason, why we don't want to join the fun as a group or invite anyone else to our house. It's not a perfect timing for my two buddies to be in a crowd or group of people. Rest assure, after all the ordeal life can be so easy. Hopefully, I can go out with my Ma and Pa but if it's for my Hubby's liking, I have to decide not to go because I don't want to break his heart. For those occasions that he don't like to go, I am more than willing to enjoy and never feel guilty in doing so. That's how I care and love my Dear Pie. The essence of LOVE!
Oh! Oh! It's getting busy here...got to go, did I just tell you how busy I am? Winky doo and baboo!
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