I do love my part time job for eight years now. I have to be at work so early and then get off by noon or 1:00 PM.
That means, I have plenty of time to spend with family and friends around the neighborhood.
Last Thursday, girlfriends were having a three way conversation. I told them about Denver
Botanical Garden was open for the public and just an instant gratification, off we went to the said amusement place.
What a very memorable experienced we had. It was our BESTFRIEND LERIO's 34th birthday!
Wow! in one of our photos, we let her hugged a giant pot of white Roses as our unforgettable moment together during her natal day. It was an additional bouquet of flowers aside from all those red Roses that her Hubby gave to her.
We just strolled around the garden and taking our time posing, laughing, and lots of talking.
I was so guilty of the situation during our dinner. It was the birthday celebrant who pai
d for our Panda Meal. She said, it was her blow-out celebration with her two neighboring friends. Thank you again and again friendship Ler, for sharing your blessings to the needy...ouch!...wink!
When I came home, it was past 8:00 PM and Hubby asked about our trip and how our Angelina behaved. What can I say? Of course, I said the truth, nothing but the truth!
When I came home, it was past 8:00 PM and Hubby asked about our trip and how our Angelina behaved. What can I say? Of course, I said the truth, nothing but the truth!
Good thing about going to bed late on Thursday, I'm off the following day! What a great feeling!
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