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Thursday, August 13, 2009


Without knowing and it wasn't a top secret even when 4 full time employees and 8 part-time were laid-off last Monday.

It's a matter of life. As always, we have to be always prepared and ready for any upcoming transition that may come along our way.

It's kind of tough but we have to face the reality. As the saying, "Only changed is permanent".

By now, we're all aware (at work) that a number of personnel actions took place last Monday. These actions included lay-offs, reclassifications and reductions in hours.

As a matter of fact, it was being aired in the radio and broadcast in Channel 9.

Life, you will never know...just hang on to Him no matter what. Our job may not be stable but our life in general will be if we trust HIM. God will make a way for us!

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