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Friday, December 31, 2010
Information About Asbestos
There are many people all over the world that have been exposed to asbestos and should be educated about the subject.
One very informational website called has a lot of historical facts about the serious health issues caused by prolonged exposure to asbestos. I never realized how many have been suffering from health problems caused by simply breathing this toxic substance in their workplace. It’s really sad to hear how many people are dying each year from Mesothelioma due to inhaling asbestos.
Anyone who visits this website will have a better understanding of who should be concerned about their health due to this type of exposure. This website discusses all the important issues relating to people being exposed to asbestos. Topics such as asbestos removal, asbestos and the laws related to these concerns are all detailed in easy to understand language for what can be a complicated issue to understand. To learn more about asbestos survey, check out this website and see how they can help you and your loved one.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Weight Gain
Friday, December 24, 2010
My Favorite Non-Animated Christmas Special
My favorite non-animated Christmas special is one that has been around for about 25 years. It isn't a special per se, it is a movie. When Christmas Eve and Christmas Day comes though, it turns into a special on just about station that it appears on. TBS has a 24 hour special of this movie and it is none other than the classic, A Christmas Story.
There is no better feeling after opening Christmas presents or after Christmas dinner, turning on the Best Choice TV and watching A Christmas Story. Everyone knows the classic line from that movie: You'll shoot your eye out! Little Ralphie wants a Red Ryder BB gun and gets his wish. He goes outside and sure enough, the BB ricohets and breaks his glasses.
There are just too many memorable scenes from this movie to count. The boy getting his tounge stuck to the lamp pole; Ralphie fighting the bullies; his first cuss word helping his father change a flat tire; eating out after they burn up the Christmas dinner. This movie is one that touches the heart and certainly is one that depicted life at that time. A Christmas Story is definitely my favorite non animated Christmas special.
Last Minute Shopping
Yesterday, I was so tired after eating so much in a friend's house. I went to bed @9;30 PM and woke up at 7:30 AM. Now, I'm so refresh and fully charged to start my day in the mall.
I know, going to the mall means spending money but that's how life on earth. It's up to us how to budget and buy the needs that we want.
Thank you, Lord for all the provisions, health, peace and love in our family. Thankful for our family in Pinas for keeping up of what they have.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
The Snow has Finally Come!
The first snow of the winter is always so exciting. When I was a child, I would look forward to the first snow for weeks. My brother and I would ask my dad about the weather forecast nearly every day in November, waiting for that special day to arrive. If we heard that snow was on the way, sometimes we were so excited we couldn't get to sleep.
If it was a weekend, the morning of the first snow was always joyful and hurried. My brother and I would rush through breakfast so we could get outside sooner. On school days, we were always disappointed about having to go to school and put off playing in the snow until the afternoon. But, as soon as we were able, we would bundle up and run out into the snow to play.
Usually, my brother began building a fort while I attempted to make a snowman. After making our creations, we would go sledding on a hill behind our barn. Sledding was always so much fun. After a few hours of play outside, we would come indoors to warm up. My mom would make us steaming hot chocolate, and then we would watch a few children's shows on our Direct TV to relax. The first snow was always such a fun time for my family and me.
Gray Hair
Before, she has a hard time using the puller. She keep an eye when her Lola used to pulled my white hair though. She even buy her own puller.
Last night, she promised me to pull more. Thank you, girl for such a big help to your Mama. You can be stubborn sometimes but overall, you're such a joy in our life. Your kisses and hugs are so special.
I'm sure Santa will climb in our Chimney on Christmas and bring your one and only present that you wish for.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Christmas Is Giving
I do believe in give and take/vice versa.
Happiness and joy is what we feel, right?
Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
My Well-Rounded Babies
Janna and Jenna are the lights of my life. They are 3-year-old twins that could not possibly be any different. Janna is the quiet, introverted type while Jenna cannot ever seem to get enough attention from anyone in her sphere of influence. They do share a strong bond and are always ready with a smile.
Luckily, I am a stay-at-home mother. The time not spent at a job is spent nurturing their personalities. I make it my business to educate them as best I can as I do not believe in leaving all of the responsibility to the school system. I get plenty of help from Nickjr.
Having DirectStarTV has been a godsend. Nickjr really is like having a personal pre-school for tots. They love shows like Little Bear, Franklin and the Fresh Beat Band. Dora has taught them a number of Spanish sentences and Kai-Lan has brought the Chinese language into their lives.
I am proud to have such accepting and well-rounded girls. Television programming has helped me achieve that. Heck, even I have learned a thing or two!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Best Reader Medal

The minute she hopped in our car, she showed to me her medal hanging on her neck. According to her, she's one of the best readers in their class and the teacher was giving out medals.
I looked at the medal, there's #1 number engraved on it. Ang if you flipped the other side, it said, winner!
When we got home, I called her teacher just to make sure that it is for real. Indeed, the medal was intended for her.
Thankful from Above that our child is so eager to go to school. They told me that somehow. someday, she will eventually changed. I mean, she will get bored in going to school. That would be sad...:)) That is why, I'm enjoying with all these precious moments of her life.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
The Steamer Team Company
Well, this steam team people has their own deep cleansing process that combines the use of chemicals and a high-pressure blast of hot water and steam to remove dirt and grime from different materials and surfaces. Various types of steam cleaners are employed for the task of cleaning with steam, depending on the specific application. The end result is a carpet that is clean and will dry in a matter of minutes in most climates.
Well, a friend of mine who is living in Austin, Texas just bought a house. They were the second owner since they like the old type of house than the brand new ones. One of the agreement during the buying session is to clean the carpet really good. The owner lower the price a little bit so they will be the one to take charged or hired someone to clean it. So they made a deal and did a closing to the house.
My friend don't want her family to move right away not unless everything is neat, clean and organized. She's bugging her husband to hire a commercial carpet cleaners austin. She's a nurse and very clean person to begin with and I would say most women like clean house though. She wants deep steam cleaner austin for their great service and do a dog odor removal austin since the previous owner has two dogs. Aside from that she wants urine odor removal austin to work on the dog urine smell inside and outside the house.
I told my friend and asked her if she's really sure that it is the kind of house she's looking for. Her answer is yes! She fell in love with those Victorian houses and for sure after years of staying everything will be taken care off.
Diamonds Are Forever
Last month was our 12th years anniversary of being husband and wife. How does it feel? I feel so blessed and happy that we've gone this far through thick and thin. Life is good, indeed without any reservation at all. Glory and honor be with Him for binding us together in sickness and in health, for richer and poorer and 'til death do us apart.
Last week, was my friend's big day, a wedding day and our family was invited. Sad to say that we didn't make it since it's an out of state affair. Our girl is in school and Hubby don't feel like going somewhere far.
Preparing a wedding ahead is the best thing we have to do and that was what my friend did. She has a year planning for everything. Her and his fiance were engage like 2 years already. She told me about a surprised diamond engagement ring that her lover gave to her in front of her in-laws during a Thanksgiving gathering. She was in tears that finally her fiance is proposing her.
She was giggling talking to me that night after their Thanksgiving dinner with regards to the engagement. Her fiance even told her that if she didn't like how the ring was being designed, she can have her diamond brought back to the jewelry store and she can have an engagement rings design your own. Well, my friend was happy and content of what she got and thankful that someone gave her diamond and that someone is her husband now.
As for their diamond eternity rings, they both went to the jewelry store and look for their own designed. She showed it to me via facebook and I was so impressed of how the stone sparks so real and genuine.
They always say, "Diamonds are forever!". True love is ever sure, ever lasting and ever strong. A diamond eternity ring is a tribute to the unfailing strength of love. A constant reminder that love is the steadfast center of our universe and the foundation on which all things rest.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Christmas Holiday Concert 2010
She was so cute when she told me that I don't have to buy a new Christmas dress since her last year Christmas dress is still good.
Most of the time, she don't like fancy dresses because it itches, that's according to her.
I do really understand her concern with regards to this matter because I for one has problem with itchy clothes touching my skin.
The concert was consist of Kindergarten and Grade I. They did an excellent performance and I can see from where I was sitting at, that our girl was singing on top of her lungs.
What a crowd if you want to know.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Accelerated Reader
Yesterday, on her Monday folder, I went over with her papers and I found this paper that says something about it. "Are you proud of me, Mama?" her say.
Who in the world won't be, right?
Take note, it's a Kindergarten Reading and I don't expect my child to read like an adult...wink!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Our Mansion Library
I live in a fairly small town. Our local theater only has two movies at a time, the bowling alley only has 15 lanes and the youth center is only open two times a week. One would think that we would get bored in this type of setting, but everyone I know actually enjoys it. We have a huge park where there are always community activities going on, and other librarians have visited our library to see how they can make their own more like ours. The library is located in an old mansion that was donated specifically to be the town's library. A few times a week, I will set the ADT Security system and my kids and I will walk the half mile to it. The mansion is huge, and the head librarian has let the folks from town have input into how the library should be. There are rooms where families can watch DVD movies together. Young children can gather in a couple of other rooms for daily book readings by parents. Older kids have their own rooms where they can play video games, read books, watch movies, and all sorts of other things. Adults have book clubs, crafting classes and lessons on computers, since our kids know more about modern technology than we do. It's not the traditional library, but it is one that interests our kids and keeps them off the streets.
SOTM For October
My girl is wishing to have lunch with the principal but that part it's being done by lottery. Well, from K-8th graders where there are SOTM students and once a month they will draw one name to eat out with the principal at the cafeteria.
"Wish my name will get pulled duringng the lottery," her say.
I told her, "Someday, you will have lunch with your principal as long as you keep yourself to be a student of the month for the rest of the year, how's that?"
The End!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Goodbye Summer, Hello Winter
While we had our dinner at a Chinese Buffet with my family, earlier during the night, we talked about going to a warmer place for a short vacation. I introduced to my Dearpie this place in South Carolina called Myrtle Beach hotel . I think it would be great to relax at the beach, sunbathing, swimming and just taking our time as a couple.
Looking at their website at,I can tell it is more than fun to stay a week or two just to enjoy the overall scenery of the said place. Warm weather just makes me happy and gay.What a glorious day for me if things work out for us to go on vacation.
With all the hassle and dazzle in life that we encountered in our daily living, I think we deserved a break and find a great place for a vacation and that would be the Myrtle Beach best hotels. Why not? We need to enjoy life as much as we can. Working hard without taking a break will lead to stress and stress will lead to sickness.
Anyway, we have a toddler too that likes to go on vacation and I'm sure we all have a great time as a family. When? Hopefully, soon when everything settle down in our end. Can't wait to be in a beach since I've never been to one in a long time.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
The Formal Ballet Dance
Working half day is enough for me to be in a different environment instead of just being at home.
Anyway, budgeting my time is very vital. Since our girl is into ballet, I'm about to enroll her in a regular ballet class at Academy of Classical Ballet. I prefer for her to go to Colorado Ballet in Denver but asking all the information, we have to pay the metered parking downtown and holy molly, it's gonna be in a parallel parking. To be honest, I don't know how to get in if there's two cars in between. Hubby taught me about it but I don't have the guts to practice. In short, Colorado Ballet is out of the picture now not unless we move to downtown Denver...lolz!
Are you familiar with Nutcracker? This is where our girl gonna go. I have to arrange with the schedule and the tuition too. Our girl deserved to join the said school because she has the interest in it aside from Karate and piano. When she will start? Hopefully....soon!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Memories Passed Down
For years IÕve been dying to go exploring down a pumpkin patch. I went once when I was a little girl and it left quite the impression on meÑso I think thatÕs part of it. ThatÕs actually one of my clearest childhood memories, if you can believe it.
I went down with my grandfather and we spent hours searching for one that I liked. I remember it so vividlyÑI wanted it perfectly round, perfectly orange and perfectlyÉperfect. We turned over every leaf until we found one that fit my high standards. He used to joke with me about my picky tastes.
Well, now that my grandkids are getting to be about the age I was back then, IÕd like to take them down to pick out their own pumpkins like my grandfather did for me. I think IÕll do it as a surprise, though, so itÕll be extra fun for them. And IÕll make sure to stop by and get my Hearing Aids by Miracle Ear so we can have optimal amounts of fun. I can only hope their memories will be just as fond as mine were!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Keep It Up

Last week, our girl came home with this paper in her folder. Hubby and I were so impressed of her munting achievement in her studies.
"Are you proud of me, Mama?" her say. "Of course, little one...we're always proud and happy that you come into our life," my respond.
Way to go girl and keep up the good work!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Way To Go, Girl!
So proud of our girl, came home with her pink folder and went over it. Looking all her papers, may nakasulat na 100%. We always remind her to keep it up and explained to her that 100% means perfect score. In her green folder and writing journal, she showed to us her score and she did it again. Thank you, Angelina for making Mama and Dada happy!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
My Being Me
I would say I live a normal life.. work during the week (part time), drop off and pick up my child at school, take care of my family... Party during weekends, do some household chores on a Saturday…. And attend mass on Sundays… My place, pc, and malls are my comfort zone (heheh) and you would always find me on those places.. Yes, I live an independent life, but I don’t abuse my independence..
They say I’m a woman who has the passion for everything that I do.. May it be at work, or in simple things. I always strive for excellence, but I’m not a perfectionist. I believe that what makes us human, is our imperfections.. I myself is not perfect.. I have my own share of imperfections, but I always see to it, that I don’t commit the same mistakes again..
I always value the importance of hardwork.. And what I have now, is because I have worked hard for it (per se).. Life wasn’t that simple for me,.. I also had my own taste of success and failures… But it’s not on how many times I have fallen, but it’s on how many times I have risen from that fall.. I just simply get what I deserved and that is because, God knows how much I worked hard for it..and also me wants, me gets.. :-)
Respect begets respect,,, I have high respect for those who know to respect others… Rather than saying anything bad, just don’t say anything… A mere hi or hello would not hurt… I’m here to meet nice people for good conversations.. So be nice enough and again, learn to respect….
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Racing for Halloween
I think that my dad has rubbed off on my son because every time we're over at his house it seems like my dad's watching a race and my son gets really into it because he sees that his grandpa is. He's started following the drivers over the years and now he knows as much about racing as my dad. So for Halloween this year he said that he wants to dress up like a race car driver.
Instead of wanting to dress up like a real race car driver though he said that he wanted a Halloween themed racing outfit. So I did a bunch of research online to see how they put all the little labels and symbols on all of their jump suits. When I was doing that I saw and decided to switch over our internet service to that provider. But by then I had a good idea of what I was going to do.
I'm going to put a 31 on his uniform for October 31 and then also put a jack o lantern on it. But race car driver uniforms always have all kinds of little symbols on them so we're putting more stuff on them, probably.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Loveland Outlet
Morag gitapulan na ko balik sa trabaho, nanawag ko sa ako kauban if he can work for me. Glad that he accepted my favor. So, we continue with our non-stop talking and endless laughing.
Imagine ha! It was 12 noon when we started our session and went home almost 1:00 AM.
Well at 5:30 PM, we decided to go to the Outlet Mall in Loveland. So, I dropped off our girl at home and told Hubby about our plan. I got his permission and off we went to the outlet store with our friend driving.
We got great deal at Ralph Lauren's and Famous Footwear. Didn't realize, we're the only customer left thinking that they closed at 9PM but it's 8PM. Now we know.
We came home almost 9PM and and start our dinner again. Well, time to feed the hungry tummy though...wink! To be honest, nakahanggap jud ko ug daghang hangin sa sige ug tingsi. Late at night we had the manicure and pedicure session.
By the time we were done, time for us to go home. I only slept for 4 hours and here I am at work drinking my morning coffee to ease the tiredness and sleepiness.
I doubt it if I still have the energy to work at the preschool but we will see. My friends are planning to go to Estes Park today.
I have more stories to tell but my time is limited. Need to drop our child to the school and a great friend of mine is on the phone. So, need to exit and end my story.
Happy Thursday!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Fun and Spicy "Undercovers"
I am really looking forward to the upcoming fall television spy series, "Undercovers" starring Boris Kodjoe and Gugu Mbatha-Raw. As soon as I saw the preview on NBC, it sparked my interest. It instantly reminded me of the movie, "Mr. and Mrs. Smith", which I loved, featuring Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Only it appears the married duo in "Undercovers" get along great with each other. Also, when I heard the creative force of J.J. Abrams was behind the production, I was even more excited. Abrams brought two of my favorite TV programs, "Alias" and "Lost" to life. It looks like he's cooked up another winner with this spicy drama.
The action revolves around Steven and Samantha Bloom, who own a catering business in Los Angeles. We discover that in their former careers, they were top-notch CIA agents. However, in the midst of trying to live a "normal" life after their marriage, they unexpectedly get called back into service to help find another agent who has disappeared. Gerald McRaney, a terrific veteran actor, plays their gruff CIA boss, Carlton Shaw. This promises to be a fun, sexy and clever hit as the husband and wife team chase bad guys and get in and out of one escapade after another. I definitely intend to watch this new fall show on the channels we get with our Direct tv deals in New York when it comes out.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Homeworks, Homeworks
When we got home, we went over her Monday folder and homework folder. It's so cute when the teacher grade 100% in her paper.
They have this writing journal and it's worth 5 points each. Parents' initial is 1 point equivalent but I forgot to signed. My bad. Now I knew, I have to check her works before submitting to the class. So each page, our girl only get 4 points each but this time, September 27, we're being watchful in terms of our initial.
Amazing how they can read some of the sight words. Way to go to our girl. Keep it up!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Student Of The Month
When I picked her up yesterday, the teacher said that our girl is doing a great job at their class despite of her being new. They had a test with all the basic sounds and she did well according to her mentor.
Whew! Our hard works too as a parent pays-off.
I've always remind our girl that this is the only treasure that we can give to her that no one can steal it away from her...I mean education.
In her young mind, hopefully she can instilled some of the maymay in life or lagbas lang pod sa pikas dunggan. Prayers help though.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Catching Every Minute of Nascar's Race for the Chase
I love my satellite TV as I never miss a Nascar Sprint Cup race. I use my satellite tv dvr to record the ones I can't watch live. This is very important now as we come down to the Race for the Chase. Mark Martin is my favorite this year. He is been very consistent over the season and I cannot see that changing now. Watkins Glen and Bristol can both be difficult tracks for drivers. Things can go from excellent to disastrous in the blink of an eye. I'm sure Mark Martin is aware of that and will take precautionary measures.
Other drivers that I think will be right alongside Martin include Denny Hamlin, Jeff Gordon and Tony Stewart. Denny Hamlin has been very impressive although this is his first year running in this series. Jeff Gordon and Tony Stewart have shown over time that they know how to stay in the hunt and bring home the prize. It does look like big names such as Dale Earnhardt Jr., Kurt Busch and Kasey Kahne may not make it into the Nascar Sprint Cup Race for the Chase though. It just doesn't appear to be their year.
New School

Thank you to Rich's cousin in helping Angelina to get in The Academy. The waiting list is forever and they go by lottery too. I was at peace for our girl to be in a school closed to our home. It's our home school but my FIL thinks that Academy is one of the best schools.
Last September 14, I pulled out Angelina at North Mor Elementary then September 15 she get in at her new school. For me it's kind of far to drive. It's about 5 miles and it took me 15 minutes to drive with all the traffic in a rash hour. Before, her school was just .02 miles.
Yesterday, the teacher released the 1st term grades and I was surprise that she got all the A's. Since it's School District 12, they just transferred all her grades from the previous school.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Baxter Lake
Baxter Lake is a lovely place to fish that can be found in the eastern side of Anchorage, Alaska. Not only is it goo for fishing, there are many fun places to visit around the lake, as well as restaurants and stores to go to. This makes it excellent for taking a day trip and relaxing with family and friends. Fishing is awesome here because most people that go here go for fishing and nothing else.
Fishing is important to many people in Alaska due to the fact that a lot of us depend on subsistence living to survive. Being able to go fishing every day, or even once a week, and knowing that you can keep anything you can catch is one of the best feelings in the world. Catch and release is frowned upon so most people find a way to keep whatever they manage to fish up.
I have enjoyed doing this for some time now, but especially since the new addition to my home. I am not simply set and arm my Home Security system and set out on a trip to anywhere I feel, knowing that my worldly possessions are safe and untouchable. Being able to take my friends out on a cruise or visit another city is something that is easy, and I no longer worry about being stolen from.
Welcome Home
Only time can tell when they want to come back here. I'm sure, they're busy with their project over there.
Here we are, back to no, Lo and La in the house.
Angelina's missing her grannies but we can visit in Pinas if we want to but for right now, life is kind of busy just around here.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Amish Country
Restoring horse drawn carriages is my hobby. My grandfather owned a stockyard so he collected a lot of old wagons and that's what got me interested. i'm really curious about Amish wagons because they're so simple yet nice.
So I decided i wanted to visit Amish country a long time ago. I got my brothers together to go and when we were taking a buggy ride from a local Amish man who was talking to us during it, I had some trouble listening to him. After that my older brother said the he had bought some hearing aids LOS ANGELES and my twin brother chimed in and said he had bought some hearing aids Chicago too.
After all that talk I decided that I should go and get some hearing aids PHILADELPHIA when I got home. So that's just what I did.
I also got some great restoration tips from the Amish man that drove us in the buggy.
The Bihod of Our Life
All her home works were in her backpack already including her water bottle.
I'm just so touched with our girl because she knows how to appreciate the things that we do for her. "Thank you, Mama for letting me go to school and taking care of me." Kinsa man sad nga inahan dili matandog, abir? Life is good!
Great Offer
One time she called and said that she's totally bored looking the four corners of their apartment. Wished, I can take her out and go strolling somewhere but she's in a different state though. She told me that she missed her soap on TV with all the Filipino characters. Not that she don't like American celebrities but I do understand her sentiments about the longingness watching those soap.
Well, I asked her if they have satellite or cable with their TV so she can purchased The Filipino Channel (TFC). She said she will ask her husband because she don't have any idea what they got. The next time we talked, she said that they just have regular channels or local channels.
Then I said, It might be a good idea to let her husband knew that she can watch Filipino channels through Direct TV. It's the only localTV satellite that offers the best satellite TV deals that save money. As you can see, with over 160 HD channels, local coverage for 94% of all US households, the # sports programming service, and so much more, both with the best quality and quantity of satellite TV service.
I gave to my friend the link or the website called and my friend was so happy. They saw the great deals being offered. Well, her husband loves her so much and want her to be happy, so that means she won't be bored staying at home now and she will be watching her TV all they long, (hopefully not...wink!) and feast her eyes on all the movies she likes, provided by Direct TV.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Good Job, Little One
I was lining up quietly while my classmates are all wild and noisy.
I was impressed! Well, our girl can be wild too when there's kiddos around. It's the fact. Not just her but with other kids in general.
She loves school so much. Everyday is an exciting day for her. My role as a mother, kung saan siya masaya ako siyang suportahan, di ba?....lolz! Mao nay motto sa Fantastic Force ha! I'm glad our girl is in a regular school enjoying her life as a Kindergartener.
Lord, I don't know how many times I have to say this but Thank you, thank you for putting our girl in our lives as a couple and to the whole family. I will do the best as I can do, while I'm still alive for teh sake of our one and only child.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Looking For Fun?
Well, we need some recreational activity with family and friends to boost what life has to offer in the outside world.
According to a survey, a lot of people are suffering from mental depression due to luck of outlet in life. It's always work, work and work and no play.
I would say, there's still a chance to change our life style and start all over again.
What's your favorite game sports? Go for it! Are you a golf lovers?
Check out for some great deals and booking availability even in the last minute booking. It is a full service hospitality group even if you don't need accommodations, you can still book your tee times through them and save some bucks.
Why not enjoy life and tee it up in Myrtle Beach, North Myrtle Beach, Sunset beach or elsewhere within 48 hour tee times. Simply choose your travel dates, area golf courses and times.
Check them out for there fee free 48 hour tee time source with great service and great savings for unpremeditated golf. Guaranteed life is worth it to take some fun with family and friends.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Just for the weekend, they have to look for numbers around the house and draw a picture where they found the numbers. Continue reading the numbers, letters and writing names in lower case. There's a paper to use though and our girl just finished everything today.
Hopefully, she will keep up what she's doing right now. Dada and Mama are here to support her. When I'm at work, it's the Dada that teaches our girl how to write her name. She needs to work more on that matter.
Friday, September 3, 2010
A Career in A Medical Field
People were asking what kind of career I'm going to?
Well, with the economic recession, reading the newspaper and watching TV, seems like there's a shortage in the medical field.
It can be a doctor, nurse, PN, CNA's, medical assistant, dentist, hygienist and other medical career that are in demands right now. In order to pursue my goal to be a part of the team, medical field, I need to buy medical scrubs to start with. Looking online, I saw this scrub set that caught my attention. Well, I'm that kind of person that likes to buy stuff that has value, good quality and affordable price.
Blue sky scrubs offers a wide variety of medical scrubs and medical scrub hats. Their product such us nursing scrubs and designer surgical scrub hats are not sold in stores. They are only available at
While their medical uniforms can be shipped to anywhere in the world, blue sky hopes to retail scrubs UK in addition to opening blue sky scrubs US in the future. Blue sky scrubs' line of nursing scrubs includes women’s medical uniforms in two different designer scrubs styles, and one line of fashionable scrubs for men. New scrub colors are added constantly. So check it out and buy medical scrubs online and enjoy their product with quality and style.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Fish Tank
One of these days, it's gonna be one of my major, major projects around the house.
Hubby said, he will do it and I just gave him a look. He knows what it is all about.
Anyway, I called our mower Guy if they can just cut our grass every other week instead of a weekly career for them...wink!
Well, it's close to the Fall season and seems like the grass is growing slowly. At least, I can save some bucks.
Hubby was shaking his head while I was on the phone. Well, I'm just being practical with all the bills that's coming every month. For sure, it's a never ending ordeal.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Going To The Movies
Every month, I take a trip to go to movies. I usually go with my wife. She frequently picks the movie, especially if there is a good movie out that she really would like to see. I have no problems with that, especially since she has good taste in movies. I always enjoy the movies she picks out to see. Occasionally, I will also go see the latest action movie that is showing with a couple of my co-workers. Regardless of who I go with, I usually go to the same local theatre in town. I like going to the same theatre because of the familiarity it gives me. It really has grown on me. I have gotten to know the layout of the movie theatre and exactly what to expect while I am there. Most often, I go during the early afternoon because of my work schedule. My shift ends in the morning, so I am able to take advantange of the sparse crowds during that time. I always make sure to lock my car in the parking lot, just to be safe. And although the theatre is fairly close, I still make sure to set my best home alarm system prior to leaving for the theatre. I've always enjoyed going to the movies, and I always look forward to my next trip there.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Much Time In Facebook
Lately, I noticed that my blogging world is blooming with opportunities and can't deny I don't visit my page much often. Here I am now...want to be active here if given the chance.
Surviving Cancer
Of course it's gonna be a shocking news, right? There's way too many different kind of cancer now a days. It depends on what stage you are in, then you have the chance to survive.
Looking online, I'm reading this article about: Surviving Mesothilioma, A Patient's Guide. It's a unique, inspirational book by a sufferer and dedicated Author and Educator. This guide or book is written from the heart and with understanding there are guidelines to help enhance your body's own immune system. We all know, through knowledge, we gain power! This book gives to those who have cancer to strive to achieve their best possible outcome.
For those who are suffering from Mesothilioma cancer, they believe that this book is a hope for them. It's some kind of a way to defeat the disease and provided tools for healing.
I showed the site to my husband who is a cancer survivor patient and he likes what the author has to say. I suggested to him that if he really likes the book, he can buy it online and then read the book when he thinks he's bored staying at home 24/7.
You think it's a good idea? I surely, agree.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Car Registration
Well, I was thinking of renewing it after picking up our Kindergartener then off we will go to the Asian Market to buy some fish.
We got plenty of veggies from our Filipina friend's garden. She gave some to us and I'm so blessed and happy to have such kind of friend, you know?
I will be dropping her off to the airport for her flight going to where her husband is working. My pleasure to send her off so she can be with her husband for the most precious three weeks.
Life is good on earth! Have faith and keep trusting HIM for He will direct our path. Have a great weekend!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Work With Fun
-Kahlil Gibran-
Monday, August 23, 2010
Glad We Have Direct TV
Well, we've been with Direct TV for almost four years now and we like their service. In fact, we even added an additional receiver in our bedroom so my dearest husband can watch his food network channel without going up and down the stairs. He loves the food channel and I'm so glad that hubby's enjoying his very own channel at home. He copied lots of recipes and I'm not sure if he has the chance to cook them all. We will see how he moves around the kitchen. I know for sure, it's gonna be pots and pans all over, what can I say, he is a guy and guys are tough even in the kitchen.
Anyway, I checked my email today and got a message from our Satellite provider with directv deals. I clicked their website at and looking at it, what a great deal and promotions they offered to the viewing public and for us, as loyal customer.
I showed the website to my hubby and let him checked of the great promotions. I guess, he's liking what the offer.
A Backpack
Well, she has 4 pink backpacks, some from her 5th birthday and some from her last year's Christmas present. I thought she can still use it but I guess not.
After taking her afternoon nap, (yes she has to take a nap after school as much as she can) I promised her that we will go to the store to get the right size of a backpack.
She has Monday folder and it's the 1st Monday since she's in school. I went over her folder and saw this cafeteria number that she needs to memorize for a faster and smooth service. I let her say it without looking the number and for sure, I'm so proud of our girl for memorizing it. According to her her teacher told her so..
I did some follow-ups on her homework because she wants to do it by herself. Looking at it, she did a great job. Unbelievable how Kindergarten has lots of homework.
I'm so proud of my girl and I'm glad we send her off to a regular school where a kid can be around with other kids to enjoy their life to the fullest.
Lord, thank you for being there with us. Thank you for seeing the desire of our hearts.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Back To School Again
It's that time of year again. Back to school shopping begins. It's time to load up my child and go shopping. We have to get up early to beat the rush. I set my security choice adt alarm, and it's off to Office Depot, Wal-Mart, Old Navy, the mall and Target.
Making a list of necessities and sales is essential. We start off for paper, pencils, crayons, and a new backpack. Of course Wal-Mart will be the first stop. Most of the basics are found there. Of course with the economy and their cheap prices they are sold out of most necessities. Next we're off to Office Depot. They may be a bit pricier on some things, but they are always in stock! There is usually not a crowd either.
Next we head to the mall for some shoes. It is so important to have some cool shoes for the first day. If we're lucky we will find a backpack at the shoe store. We will hit a few stores while there and grab up some fancy clothes. Of course my little man has to look cool for the girls in school! Off to Old Navy to finish up the clothes shopping and last will be Target. Target always has the everything we have forgotten elsewhere.
A full day of shopping has worn both of us out. Now we will head home and get some much needed rest for the first day of school!
Open House
We will see...only change is permanent, right?
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Have A Nice Day
They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger and full of disappointment.
As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it.
And if you let them, they'll dump it on you.
When someone wants to dump on you, don't take it personally. You just smile, wish them well, and move on... you'll be happy you did..... promise! :)
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Relaxing Afternoon
I'm sure, when school starts...she won't be taking naps no more.
Wherever, I go she's always with me except for some occasions where kids are not allowed or I am just seeing with pure adults.
She got the matured side of attitude and so independent. Time flies and she's growing like a weed.
Anyway, she confined to me one night that this girl can't be her friend because she use bad words. I asked her what kind of word is that? She whispered on my ear and it was unbelievable nasty words.
I told my girl, remember, Angelina...we raised you to have moral and value in life. People will surely like you and love you if you use kind words that comes out from your sweet mouth.
"I Am, Mama and I'm sorry if I talked back, okay?"
"It's okay to express your right, little one as long as no bad words that you utters. God can see you in everything you do."
"I love you, Mama and I really like you being my Mama," her say.
Don't you just love their minds? Happy Saturday and wishing you all the best in life.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Taking A Day Trip
The bitter chill of winter gives way to the gentle gradual time of Spring when the flowers bloom and nature is reborn. The busy engine of life never truly stops especially for the human species. Work goes on and companies make and lose money. For five days a week, the human condition is to earn a living and all the stress and demands that earning that living entails. Then comes the weekend that magical time when work is forgotten and the body and mind turn to play.
Families love to take day trips. Simply, the day trip could be a quiet drive in the country or mountains or a day at the beach in the hot sun and cool water. It does matter what kind of trip the family takes the important thing is to go and have some fun. Before a family takes off there are some things that must be done. It is a good idea to bring along some food and water, sunscreen, a change of clothes, and some tools in case of a breakdown. A cell phone is also a must for any day trip. The last thing to do is to set the alert alarm system before leaving the house.
My family loves adventure and the adrenaline rush of being scared out of their minds. One of the best day trips for this kind of activity is the amusement park. We live in Denver and one of the best amusement parks in the area is Elitch Gardens which is part of the Six Flags Corporation. A day at Elitch's is a day of being jockeyed around like a sponge ball, twisting and turning on very fast coasters, turned upside down numerous times and waiting in endless lines for two minute rides.
With all that said and done, Elitch Gardens is still a very fun place for kids and to be a kid again.
Lunch At Home
We both decided to eat lunch in our house right after I get off from my job. Before 12: 00 noon, I checked my phone who is in a vibrating mode and I sure had some missed calls.
I returned the calls in order as it was received. As I called my friend, she told me that she's in our house because our other friend told her that we're having lunch....I was laughing, so, so hard. I was just talking about leftover food from yesterday though.
Well, yesterday...didn't know that my Mama was making some nilagang baka, pansit and adobo. If I just knew it, we didn't go at all at Sweet Tomatoes for our yesterday's lunch.
Anyway, I asked her what time did she arrived in our house and how did she get in? Silly questions ha! Well, she simply said, "I was here past 12:00 noon because our friend said that we will meet 12: 00 noon and I rang the bell many times and finally your Papa answered and open the door." Then I asked, "Where's our friend?" "Oh, I thought you will pick her up?" her say.
" I do, but I won't get off work not until past 12:30," my reply. "in that case, I will just pick her up now," her eagerness.
When I arrived, they already set the table and started! Don't you just love friends? I do...they are already part of my life. No man is an island and no man can stand alone...according to the saying.
At 2:15 PM, we all get out from the house since I have to be at my 3 hrs job by 2:30 PM. My friends will go to their appointments too.
What a nice lunch and fellowship we had. Thank you, Lord for the food that we have everyday in our table and thank you for everything.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
The Midweek
Next time, make it clear so I don't have to plan anything!
"You're off today and make sure you will be here on Thursday and Friday."
"Not a problem," I said so.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Using the Internet to Purchase Things for my Dog
Guest post written by Taylor Denot
I just got a new puppy a couple months ago from my mother, and he is now almost eight months old. Since I have had him, I have always gone online via my hughesnet internet packages to purchase things for him. He is constantly chewing on everything from the shoes in the house to his own bed, so lately I have been buying a lot of bones online. On the website, they have everything you could ever need for your dog. The last item I purchased from that site was a cheddar and bacon bone that mypuppy just cannot get enough of. I also plan on buying him a new crate from this website as he gets bigger because I have looked through the ones they have available and they are a really great price. I also saw that they have dog food, dog treats, and so many other things. Every item I have seen is at a lower price than I have ever seen in a pet store. Plus, the pet store is pretty far away from where I live, so when the dog food is getting short, I just get online and find the brand I want. They ship it right to my door. I also use hughes internet to find out information about my dog when something is wrong with him.
Friday, July 2, 2010
It's That Time Again
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Living Safer as a Single Women
Thanks to my friend Jodi Kaminski for the post
As a single women, it can sometimes be scary to live on your own. Personally, I constantly worried about becoming the morning news. There are a few things that I did, not only for my own peace of mind, but also for my safety. As a the owner of a single family home, I do not have people directly above me, behind me, or beneath me. This makes me an easier target for a predator. I first had a home security system installed from, it is easy to work and effective, and this also saves me money on my homeowners insurance. Also, I placed motion lights around the outside of my home. People will often run if they see lights turn on. The last thing that I did was get a dog. I keep the dog inside of my home, this way if someone where able to get in, the dog would be able to attack. If the dog were outside, and an intruder were to in, the animal would be useless. Talk with your local police station to see other ways that you can make living by yourself safer, and take the proper precautions.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Our Happy Toddler
"Little one, you are our only baby though so let me call you," I said while embracing her.
Anyway, I made an appointment for her 5 year old visit and I'm pretty sure there's a shot to be done. I need her vaccination record though for her to enroll in the Kindergarten.
At this point of time, we're still debating which school she's going. Either in a Northside Christian School, Academy and North Mor. I have been called with two schools and made an appointment with them too.
We're looking of some angles that benefits everyone living in the household. Still working on it before the month of July comes.
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Friday, April 30, 2010
Angelina's 1st Swimming Lesson

We want her to learn swimming as early as 2 year old but because of her skin problem (eczema), we opted to wait until she's 4 year old and understand the concept of "no scratching" effect.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Reflections From the Past

This picture was taken when I was once a part of the teaching force at VNHS (Valencia National High School) in our very own province, Bohol. The school is 24 kilometers from my hometown. It wasn't that far to ride a jeep, bus, motorcycle or a private hitch car of Engr. Madrinan, who works at the Garcia Limestone.
Anyway, one of the duties that's being entrusted to me was being the Matron of Sponsors with the CAT-I Unit (Citizen Military Training) aside from being a volleyball coach and a regular classroom teacher to a third year High School students.
Coaching the volleyball was okay with me but as a Matron of Sponsors, I did say, I threw a feet about it. I didn't argue with our principal (who used to be my teacher in High School) but I was just being honest with my feelings.
If I remember, this is what Sir Inting told me, "Sing, (he called me Zosing though...) I won't give you the responsibility if you are not capable enough but I believe in your talent and skills."
I still want to say more but I just told myself to shut up my mouth...wink!
Without much ado, we had meetings and practices after class with the 14 selected sponsors. They also need to study for any questions during the tactical inspections and a presentation during the program.
I was so nervous, which is a normal feeling, to be the host of the said affair. ( My golly! I tried my very best despite of my broken English.) Hindi naman pwedeng tagalugin, where I can talk straight pa naman, kasi 'yon talaga ang pinag-aralan ko or being an EMCEE in our Visayan dialect.
I never hosted a program in my whole life and just reading all the biodatas of my intellectual and lovely sponsors was enough to drained me out and asked for something to drink...lolz! All these things happened during the Presentation of Sponsors.
After the program, there was this engrande food being prepared for the inspectors team. We're being told by our Commandant to entertain them and be the hostess at the Home Economics Building where all the food were being served.
I was not sure if t'was still part of winning the 1st place with regards to the Tactical Inspections.
One thing for sure that I can't forget...this stylish and fashionable co-teachers of ours wants my skirt to be skimpy and sexy. Oh my gulay, bechay!
I did an inch above knee level and 2 inches for my lovely sponsors.
The following year, 1st time history in our province, as far as I knew, that the town of Valencia hosted a Provincial Meet and the main venue was at VNHS. We're being told and advised to be the usherettes during the said affair. It's not me who's doing the job but our lovely sponsors but it was me delegating who's who to be pin up with Corsage and Garland.
After two years of having the said position. There is this beautiful teacher who's new to our team and I turned over my position to her and she accepted it without saying no because she's the type of woman that likes to be in the crowd and it really fits her personality.
Glad that it was over!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Enjoying The Nice Weather

Outdoor fun is great!
"Mama, I want to go biking since it's so nice outside," her excitement after taking her afternoon nap.
For the past days, she's on her bike and scooter while I was busy working outside our yard.
I finally finished up the bush trimming thingy.
I'm not sure if I want our grass g

After everything's done at home, I told Angelina that she can go biking at the park as a reward for being a good child to the entire family, friends and relatives...wink! She had a kicked out of it and invited her Lo and La. Seems like my folks like the idea of walking in the park instead of the neighborhood.
Friday, April 9, 2010
What A Bright Day
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Let's Go Safari
There were lots of time in the past, Hubby invited me for a week vacation in Africa so I can see the exotic place with lots of attractions where my eyes can feast. I refused back then because of the amount that we have to spend. In my mind, I always compare the value of the dollar and peso and the equivalent to it.
I was thinking, it's a waste of money and don't want to go out of the country except back home. Yeah, we've been to some states in America for a pure and genuine vacation. My husband likes to travel and we enjoy flying or driving just for fun and relaxing moment with family.
Whether I like it or not, according to my husband, he will take me to South Africa and enjoy the white beaches with my two-piece bikini under the heat of the sun. We can go diving with great white sharks and most of all Family Safari in Africa.
In order to travel in South Africa, we need a place to stay. I found this Sun City Hotels epitomises five-star luxury, offering immaculate accommodation and facilities. It is conveniently located at Pilanesberg Sun City, Sun City, South Africa in Pilanesberg.
And if we decide to move to another place or City, I would like to go to Johannesburg. One of the greenest cities in the world. It's known as the heartbeat of South Africa. I can't wait to stay in one of Sandton hotels in Johannesburg.
There are cheap hotels in Cape Town too that would accommodate for our stay. I browsed online and saw this Cape Town Waterfront hotels. They offer great deal for those travellers seeking a balance of comfort and value of money.
From beaches to Safari, I can't wait to visit South Africa in the near future.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
It's Not Too Late
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Book Fair Sponsored By Books Are Fun
One of them that caught my eyes is this book titled "365 Days To Live Cheap". It was kind of interesting so, I opened the book and did some scanning.
Maybe later, before I go home, I will buy a book for our little one to read. She likes reading and she always want me to read one story at night before going to bed.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
The Truth
The starting point of maturity is the realization that "no one is coming to the rescue". Everything you are and everything you will be is entirely up to you...!!!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Antique Mall
It was kind of early to get in, so I wander around the shopping center. What caught my eyes is this Antique Mall as what it says on the sign. I always pass this place almost everyday since it's the same street where we live but never been inside.
Yesterday was my curious adventure inside. It's kind of cute looking all the stuff they have. As I can see not all are antiques though and I noticed that there's always a division and has a number in every section called "booth #". They have some neat stuff but didn't have the guts to buy one. As much as possible, I don't want more junks inside our tiny abode. Simple and a little bit organize is all I want.
I don't want to say that I am a clean freak individual kasi nakakahiya naman to say it and only to find out nagkagulo din naman pala ang bahay Better to be humble than to boast eh, pagsisinungaling din lang naman pala...wink!
Anyway, back to my Antique adventure, for curiosity's sake..I asked the clerk at front why there are booth numbers . Only to find out that there are people renting those space, hence the sign "Antique Mall". It's like a tiny mall where you can walk around.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
What To Do, What To Do!
I was told by our director that if I can wait, there's this one worker who's gonna be leaving pretty soon to join the airforce/military.
Bad me, I am already hired and accepted with my new preschool. I agreed with the time, schedule, responsibility and salary. I did watch the video and toured the facility and meet my new co-workers.
I am happy because I got hired, right? As usual, I'm not teaching since all the teaching will be in the morning. I f I do so, it's gonna be an informal one...something to do in the afternoon like crafts, arts, singing and anything that would kill the children's boredom. Yeah, I am lucky that they are in need of a group leader. Just a note, group leader needs to be ECE certified or out of country equivalent, Bachelor Degree in Early Childhood/Elementary Education.
Bad two, I applied for another job without telling my husband...wink! I thought it was a surprise and makes him happy so I can have some reinforcement in paying some of his co-pay for all his medical expenses. It's true husbands are husbands, they have the pride. In other words, he don't want me to work saying that we can still survive despite of our meager income.
"Dear, I'm just wasting my time whole afternoon," I insisted. "That's okay, play with your computer, watch your Filipino channel and go out with your friends," he said.
"We even want you to quit your morning job," his shocking news to me.
"Who's we?" my questioned.
"Dad is planning to go home pretty soon and he wants you to be his social worker, home care or whatever they call it and he needs you full time," his narration.
"No, I don't want to quit my job and it's not a hindrance! I can take care of him after I get off from work. I can work the 2nd and third shift and be around you guys," saying my side.
"Dad will pay you more of what you're getting from your regular job," he continues.
"I know, I know! What if something happen to him? I'm loving my job and it's hard to find a job now that would give you a very flexible schedule with the here and there picking up and dropping of our child to school," my further explanation.
"We will see, it's not right now though but sometime overtime. One thing for sure, don't accept the regular preschool job if you want peace in our family," his further ramblings.
My FIL and I had a hard talked about it and moving to his place will be a huge transition. They want us to put a sign "for sale" to our house and talk with our realtor. Huh! It's not that we can see, not a lot of buyers at this point of time. I told them, FIL, BIL, DH that what if I quit paying the house payment and afterhow many months, it will goes to forclosure?
"It's not a good idea, Zosie," my BIL has to say. "You put up a lot of money to your house already and you're building up equity to it. Why not try to put it in the market?"
Transition, transition, transition! What to do, what to do? I want one step at a time but time like this...we will see how far I (we) reach our goal.
There's so many things to consider.
Angelina's school, my job, my biological parents and etc.
I'm a home body but to be at home 24/7, oh my golly! It's a different!
I guess, this is what we service and helping to the elderly. I love changed but it depends on my help me God.
Need to have some feasibility studies with regards to this transition thingy.
I believe God will never leave us nor forsake us. He's always there to guide us through. In Him, there is always hope in life. Cheers, God Bless and happy Thursday!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Talking About My Child

Wish I have all the energy just like her. But as I get older, I'll be weaker!
Anyway, I changed her nap time routine. Instead of a morning nap, she has to take her nap after school. I noticed, as she's getting close to 5 year old, she has a hard time taking her nap or maybe because grannies are not imposing hard and very strict about it.
As much as possible, I want our girl to take a nap even just an hour everyday. That makes me feel better and at peace.
We started the after school nap yesterday and it works really good on her. She was dead tired, I guess.
Starting last Sunday, I have to take her to church an hour early so she can join the choir practice in preparation for the kids presentation on Easter. It's just one song though and I'm about to go crazy (just exaggerating) listening the song in our car every time she rides with! "Please play the CD for me, Mama."
The Sunday school teacher gave each parent a CD so our child can sing along with it as a practice tool. Our girl is singing and hamming to it. Seems like she knows the song already.
Remember the Kids Expo? There was a Karate Demo at the event and now my girl is bugging me to join the Karate. I explained to her that she needs to be 5 year old to join the martial arts.
Oh my golly! Of all the activities she saw, it was the Karate that she's fascinated with. We will see. I already told her that she can only have up to two extra curricular activities when she's in a regular school. One on the weekend and one after school. That way, I won't be running here and there that much. I still have time for myself and our other activities together.
Yesterday, she told me that her boy classmate will make a ring and a necklace for her.
"Why would he do that?" my questioned to her.
"Because he likes me, Mama!" her say.
What can I say? Kids are just fun to be!